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The population of Bangladesh is 16 crore 98 lakh 28 thousand 911 people (according to the census till June, 2022). Population density is 1163 (per square kilometer-2022). The normal growth rate of population is 1.35 (2022). The size of the household is 4.2 persons (2022). Gender ratio (male/female *100) 97.5; Gross birth rate 19.3; Obesity mortality rate 5.8 (2022). Average life expectancy is 72.4 years (2022). Literacy rate (7 years and above) -76.8% (2022). The rate of gross disability is 25.5 (per thousand - 2022). Poverty rate is 18.7% and extreme poverty rate is 5.6%. The unemployed population is 2.63 million. The unemployment rate is 3.6%. Inflation is 9.92% (August 2023). Mobile phone user rate (5 years and above) - 59.6% (2022). Internet user rate (5 years and above) - 41.0% (2022). Maternal mortality ratio is 156 (against per lakh live births-2022). GDP - Rs 39,765 billion (P) GDP growth rate - 7.25% (P). GNI - 41,241 billion rupees (P). Per Capita Income - 2,765 USD. Import 6,023 billion Tk. Exports are 3,764 billion taka. Remittance 173.27 billion taka. Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)-2023.